Blog for Creative Studio

Sølve Sundsbø is an Emmy award winning, Norwegian fashion photographer and filmmaker based in London. Sundsbø pushes the boundaries of image making and works across a range of platforms such as photography, film and 3D printing. Sundsbø combines conventional techniques with contemporary technologies. His work is described as "effortlessly distinct"...

Val Garland is a well known British makeup artist who has been described as "one of the most important make-up artists of our time" (Peter, 2018). Garland's makeup career started in the early 90s, she is mainly known for creating flawless skin. However, she is also recognised for her avant-garde makeup looks but claimed that it is only "10%...

In this book written by Lisa Eldridge, she explores the history of makeup and the main thing that inspired me from this book is how she talks about makeup once being seen in a negative light. This book has really inspired me by seeing how far the connotations of makeup have actually progressed and how "painting our face has evolved...

John Rankin Waddel, otherwise known as Rankin is a British photographer who mainly focuses on portrait and fashion photography. He describes himself as a "portrait photographer who dabbles in fashion" (Ovchar, 2021). Rankin describes himself this way as he says he felt like an "outsider, specifically in the fashion industry" (Hollowood, 2019) and...

Pamela Hanson is an American photographer and filmmaker who has over 30 years of experience. She has work published in well known publications such as Elle, Glamour, GQ, Harper's Bazaar, Vanity Fair, Vogue and countless more famous publications.

Neville Brody is a British designer, typographer, creative director, graphic designer and brand specialist. Brody is known for "pushing design boundaries and deploying innovation" (Brody Associates, n.d)

Today we had guest lecturer, Dale Holmes. He started off his talk by showing us a video of a demonstration, which was part of an exhibition, called 'The Stone That Crashed Into The Kneecap Was Not Moving', which he did at Xero, Kline and Coma, in Hackney London. The demonstration consisted of Holmes standing in a stairwell, barelegged, reading 3...

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