Guest Lecturer: Dale Holmes


Today we had guest lecturer, Dale Holmes. He started off his talk by showing us a video of a demonstration, which was part of an exhibition, called 'The Stone That Crashed Into The Kneecap Was Not Moving', which he did at Xero, Kline and Coma, in Hackney London. The demonstration consisted of Holmes standing in a stairwell, barelegged, reading 3 texts whilst shaving his legs. During the demonstration, Holmes used a single blade razor as he said he knew this would result in him getting cuts on his legs. He said he wanted cuts on his leg to reference the violence in the texts and also symbolise the paint by moving it around with the liquid. This hidden message within the presentation was interesting to me as I liked how he was reading a narrative from the texts but also adding more components to further emphasize the narrative.

In one of the texts, Holmes read he described a crash that had taken place during the Tour de France in 2018, involving Phillippe Gilbert. After Gilbert crashed he had shattered his knee and ended up needing surgery to fix the damage, however, he still finished the race.

The New Aspidistra 1

Holmes talks about his studio, 'The New Aspidistra 1', and his bike which "is also a hand-built and painted artwork" (Sutcliffe, 2022). He uses his bike as his studio as he finds riding it helps to give him ideas and inspiration and he also uses it as a research method, as he is able to cycle to the places. 

Holmes told us about a time when he cycled from Emley Moor Mast to Berlin in 5 days, he had to cycle 200 miles a day.

Holmes went on to talk about a time he rode his bike to Hereford from Shropshire for research, he wanted to the prints on the textured walls of a building.

The thought of using a bike as a 'portable studio' and being able to have a studio anywhere to get inspiration is really interesting to me. I feel inspired to try and find an outdoor location to use as a 'studio' and see if I can become inspired by my surroundings as Holmes does. 

Welcome To Broken Hand Tennis club

In 2021, Holmes took part in a 'cuckoo' residency at the Grove Lawn Tennis Club in Gledholt, Huddersfield. He produced 12 large scale paintings he made using oil + acrylic on unstretched canvas. 7 of the prints were exhibited on chain link fences around the tennis courts. The exhibition was titled 'Welcome To Broken Hand Tennis Club' and took place on 12/09/21


Holmes talked about how he had his images published in 'The Happy Hypocrite' and he had edited the images to have a 'late 80s early 90s' colour fade as he said this represented cycling.

Holmes also spoke about a time he became a book editor. He said this was something he didn't think he would ever do. However he co-edited 'The Graveside Orations Of Carl Einstein' with Sharon Kivland.

Word count: 507


Holmes, D. (2022, October 21). Dale Holmes [University Lecture]. 

Sutcliffe, J. (2022). Obscure Rodent Manifestations: On Dale Holmes. Jamie Sutcliffe.


Figure 1 - Holmes, D (n.d). The New Aspidistra 1 [jpeg]. Dale Holmes.

Figure 2 - Holmes, D (2021). Welcome to Broken Hand Tennis Club [jpeg]. Dale Holmes.

Figure 3 - Holmes, D (n.d). The New Aspidistra 1 [jpeg]. Dale Holmes.

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